

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Social Media Marketing for Dummies ( like me.. )

Hi.. Sorry for being MIA for a while.. But I was busy trying to spread the word on the world wide web about my little jewelry business using all these Social Sites. But this Social Media Marketing stuff is so complicated... Or is it just me?
I am pretty sure, I am not the only artisan, that has a hard time trying to comprehend this Marketing business. Here I am, trying to spread my stuff throughout the web, to get some exposure... but nothing..
There are so many other factors, that play a role like the Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic") search results. ( I just copied this one off Wiki. I really had no idea, what in the world an SEO was, until now.. ) In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users. Now I just have to get to the higher rank in the search engine. But HOW??
It's all about the tags, folks..  You may also call them "search terms" or "keywords ". People (or your future customers) basically type them into the search engines, to find what they are looking for.. So you have to make sure to use lots of these words throughout your website or domain. But you have to use the words, your customers will be using.

And what about the Meta tags?? I have never heard of them in my life! ...until today...  So I decided to google it. I google everything! Hey, you'll never stop learning new things in life..
I found several useful information on this matter.. Meta elements provide information about the web page, which can be used by search engines to help categorize the page correctly. But from what I read, they are not really being used as much anymore.. So I guess we don't really have to worry about them...

But I think I am slowly getting it.. It is one of those " learning on the job" things, I guess. And I have found a really interesting social site.. LinkedIn.. I know all you computer whizzes have probably known about it for years. What should I say, I am still learning... Anyway, I have learned some pretty useful things on there.. Like about the SEOs. Check out this post about the use of the Social Media Sites.. It was an easy to understand explanation for the simple soul, like me..!

The information is short and to the point..  Just the way I like it.. Don't give me all your complicated explanations and descriptions. Speak English!

Oh.. I just wanted to let you know that I signed up for a few more sites (take that SEO!) So if you guys want to follow me, here they are...
( like me if you want a chance to win one of my jewelry pieces in a Giveaway. One's coming up really soon. )

Do you think it's too many?? Maybe you're right...  I feel that I hang on these sites all day, and I don't really have any time to make something.. Time is in short supply if you have 2 kids... if you know what I mean... I can only take care of my business stuff, when they are in school or in dreamland.. Family comes first!

So.. If any of you has some comments, tips and tricks, or other informative material they would like to share.. Don't be shy.. I am always ready to learn something new..

Thanks for listening.. <3